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Localized CNS delivery of therapeutics & monitoring of CSF to ensure effective & personalized therapy.

CSF Health Platform: Our Technology


Therapeutics targeting CNS disorders are ineffective at reaching critical areas of the CNS through traditional means to be efficacious.

Difficulty delivering past the Blood Brain Barrier, Blood-CSF, and Blood Arachnoid barriers.

  • Difficulty delivering to localized areas in the CNS

  • Increased dosing required to get to efficacious levels

  • Higher risk of peripheral toxicity and severe side effects

CSF Health Platform: About
Doctor Analyzing X-Rays


Utilizing CSF for controlled, continuous, & personalized delivery to areas of the CNS most benefited by both existing & next-generation therapeutics.

Controlled, continuous, & personalized delivery:

  • Transport across the BBB to specific areas of the CNS most benefited by therapeutics

  • Optimize dosage profile to obtain efficacious levels

  • Reduce risk of severe side effects & peripheral toxicity


Ability to easily access CSF for monitoring and diagnostics.

CSF Health Platform: About Us
Infusion centers in the Boston, MA area

Safe, Local Access to Therapuetics


With EnClear's CSF Health Platform, therapeutics can be moved from specialized hospitals to local infusion clinics. Improving the logistics and access of weekly, monthly or yearly dosing by removing the need for repeated trips to specialized hospital networks.

CSF Health Platform: About Us
enclear therapies icon blue.png


  1. EnClear's EnTrega CSF Platform has been shown to deliver therapeutic levels to all regions of the brain, including deeper regions, in higher concentrations than standard of care.

  2. EnTrega improves patient logistics and quality of life by moving CNS therapies out of the hospital and into local infusion centers.

CSF Health Platform: About
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